Rubber bumpers are the devices used for absorbing shock between two objects but cleaning the bumpers can be a tiring job. Dirt gets struck into the porous rubber and hence, one might need a lot of scrubbing and elbow greasing to remove all the dirt out. Here's a step by step procedure to help you make your car's rubber bumpers absolutely dirt free.

Step 1
First of all, make a soap liquid by mixing some mild soap with warm water in a bucket. Make sure that you don't use any strong cleaning agent as it can result in making the rubber become sticky. A dish detergent would just be perfect for such cleaning.

rubber bumper cleaning
rubber bumper maintenance

Step 2
Now, start scrubbing the bumper with a sponge or a heavy-duty brush. This activity might test your power as one needs to put pressure to get into the rubber pores and extract the dirt out of it.

Rubber Bumper Step 3
Once the thick layer of dirt and dust is removed, its time to wash off the soapy residue. Rinse off the dirt and soap and let the rubber

Step 4
The cleaning is done by now but one also needs to maintain the cleanliness of bumpers. For that, use a rubber protectant to keep the rubber bumpers clean. Depending on the kind of product, either pour it or spray it onto the bumper to wipe it evenly all over the bumper.

Step 5
Let the rubber protectant soak in the rubber bumper for about 15 mins and buff off the extra with a clean rag.

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